Okay here is the thing, I go to a few other blogs and I love them and I alway make sure to comment, 'cause I'm just that kind of girl. However sometimes I truly love my comment and wish to post it on my site, because I think "wow this is pretty witty." , and I want to share it with MY audience, I want you all to know that I too can be witty darnit.
The thing is though, that I would have to copy and paste the blog and then my comment and by that time you all would be bored and thus lose the funny-ness that is me. So I sigh and hang my head down and shout to the world with frustration, DAMN IT WORLD, why can I never be funny ON MY site, why must my funny-ness drift into oblivion, WHY?!
I have apparent issues that I must work through... My need to interrupt people, or to buy things that I truly don't need, spending to much money at Starbucks, yelling at the T.V. screen, hiding alcohol in weird places through out the house, by the way does that make me a drunk? Didn't think so, I'm sure
everyone puts rum in the dryer. The point is I HAVE ISSUES, but that is why you love me, or at least that is what I keep telling myself. It's my witt that keeps you coming back, right?! Right?! ~sigh~
That's why I love you!
lol, ;0)
When's "Geek" going to do any more posting?
See now I'm not big on Vodka, but coconut rum is great because it's still clear and it gives you that "tropic" breath. ;0)
You always make me laugh Renee, look forward to future posts
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