Thursday, February 16, 2006

Sometimes In Life You Just Want To...

Sob uncontrollably. ~sigh~ I just got back home from the hospital. I had to take C to the doctors because this morning when she came into our room and said her neck hurt, I noticed immediately that her left gland was HUGE, so huge in fact she could barely speak and couldn't move her head. I feel so... There really are no words for the amount of anger and sadness I have with myself. All day yesterday she complained that her neck hurt and I figured because she had a cold that it was just a headache. Well it's not. She has an acute case of tonsillitis, so bad that she not only had to have a shot but we are on a 24 our watch to make sure that if it gets any bigger we will rush her to the emergency room to have it cut open and fluid taken out. If that does happen she will have to spend a couple days there. I know this isn't the WORST thing that could happen, at least she is alive, but my daughter is 4 and is absolutely miserable and I put it off all day thinking it was just a headache. I am such a loser. To really makes things special she also has a sever left ear infection. Nice. I have to say though the most horrific thing of it all was when the doctor had to show me the signs for meningitis. (gulp) He took my daughter and moved her head and felt her spine, than turned to me and showed me how diagnoise it. He moved my daughters head and neck telling me the symptoms to this horrible disease, he said that I had to watch her closely because meningitis is the disease that can kill in hours. HOURS! Hours! Hours! Typing this is so difficult, to be told that it was/is a possibility. I can't describe the fear, the ice that sits in my stomach. The tears that stream down my face, just because he touched my daughter and said those words to me. He moved my daughters legs and head and uttered those words, death. She doesn't have it as far as we know, he said that she is good. I just can't get that feeling out, those words continue to echo. I can't stop crying. My middle daughter C is VERY healthy normally, and she's full of life. When she was a week old, she contracted RSV and was hospitalized for a week on a ventilator. I was so young and had no idea what RSV was, I just thought she had the sniffles. I waited almost 2 DAYS before I took her to the doctor, I was so ignorant. She was rushed in an ambulance, because she was breathing at only 70 %, she could have died in the night. I stayed there 24 hours a day, for the full 7 day stay and I have NEVER felt more stupid, or more fearful until now. I swore I would never ignore something again. I was true to my promise until yesterday. ~sigh~ P.s. I will be on later tonight and read everyone's T.T., I just can't do it right now. If you leave a comment on mine though I will link you but I won't read it until this evening. Thanks for the support everyone, I really do appreciate it.


Blogger Lena said...

You are an incedible mom, Vi. I have never met better. Kids complain - that's what they do. I would have done the same thing.

Screw comments - I'm calling you...

2/16/2006 01:01:00 PM  
Blogger WendyWings said...

I am sorry you have such bad Mommy guilt, DON"T listen to that voice telling you you did anything wrong.
I hope your daughter is on the mend quickly.

2/16/2006 01:47:00 PM  
Blogger Richmond said...

Oh, Honey. Don't beat yourself up. She is going to be FINE. Just keep repeating that over and over.

None of us Mothers know exactly what to do all of the time when it comes to our kids. And when your normally healthy and full of life 4yo comes to you with a complaint -- OF COURSE you think that it is just a headache.

I am sending good and happy thoughts (and a few prayers) your way. Hang in there!

2/16/2006 02:00:00 PM  
Blogger Sir Christopher said...

My prayers are with you all through this as well.

2/16/2006 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't beat yourself up, we are mothers not doctors and sometimes it is impossible to know what to do in every situation. My 1st child also had RSV when he was 3 weeks old and I had never heard of it. It happens to us all, hell my daughter had to go to the doctor because she had a baked bean rammed up her nose for a day and I thought it was a booger.

2/16/2006 03:54:00 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

Oh my gosh Vi.
I am sooo sorry this is happening.
I can tell you are a fantabulous Mom.
But that Mommy guilt is a killer isn't it? Ugh. I really hope for you and your little one that she will get better soon and that no trips to the hospital will have to be made.
Ugh. Sooooo unbelievably sorry.

2/16/2006 04:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Vi,

I'll be sending prayers and good thoughts for C your way as well.

We all learn through experience, Vi. And no one can claim to be the perfect parent. You love your children and would go to any means to protect and care for them ... I know this. You're an awesome mom.

My daughter complained of back pain a couple of years ago. She's normally quite dramatic with even the tiniest of injuries. So, I offered her an ice pack and Advil. She was still complaining the next day, and crying, but I sent her to school anyway. I didn't believe her ... thought she was just seeking attention yet again. Well, to sum it up, I took her to the doctor that afternoon. She was sent for x-rays and it was discovered that she had two stress fractures in her low back. Ugh. I felt just horrible for doubting her, being somewhat unsympathetic, and for not being able to recognize that she truly was in pain.

So, you see ... being a parent is the toughest job in the world. But just because we make mistakes, doesn't mean that we are bad parents. The fact that you are suffering from what others have coined the "Mommy guilt" ... proves right there what an awesome mom you are.

Love ya,
Take care,

~ Stacy ~

2/16/2006 07:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will pray for both C and you.

My daughter reacted exactly the same way when she broke her collarbone as she does when she has a paper cut. You just can't always know.

Thank God that you did catch it and got her medical attention. You know what she has, what to watch for, and what to do. That's a blessing.

2/16/2006 08:29:00 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

You're a good mom - and moms aren't doctors, so how could you know about the ear-infection or tonsilitis? I'm sure yuo're baby will be fine!
Mommy guilt is easy to get - and don't worry, it never goes away, lol.
I think a better word for it would be 'responsibility' - and you are obviously a very responsible person!


2/16/2006 11:42:00 PM  
Blogger DesLily said...

guilt is a word i live with everyday of my life.. I've never learned how to control it, instead it controls me.. I hope you are strong enough and realize you shouldn't be feeling this guilt..

keep us posted when possible on how your daughter is doing. I hope things get better as the day goes on for you and her.

2/17/2006 05:23:00 AM  
Blogger Angela said...

Hey! I just got this link from Lena's I don't know if you still check comments on this, but I wanted you to know how bad I feel that that happened. You sound like a wonderful Mom. Sometimes if your kid isn't laying on the ground's just hard to tell. If it makes you feel any better.....about 3 weeks ago Braden complained of a headache and had a little cough.....I gave him triaminic and sent him off to school.....a few of days later when he was still complaining and had a slight fever (99.8) I decided to take him to the doctor.....turns out, he had pneumonia! AND a severe ear infection in his right ear that the doctor said could cause permanent damage. I didn't even have a clue! So, obviously, I would have done the same thing in your case.

3/02/2006 08:11:00 AM  
Blogger Virenda said...

Thanks Angela, I have an email program that lets me know when people comment, so thank you for taking the time to comment.

I'm sorry your boy was sick, as you can imagine I understand the pain and guilt.

I'm always thankful for the support and kind words.


Thank you again.

3/02/2006 01:10:00 PM  

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