Thursday, March 23, 2006

Thursday Thirteen- Thirteen Random Things...

Thirteen Random things because I can't even come up with a theme....
1. This is a biggie folks. The reason my posts suck today is because I HAVE a raging headache caused by drinking FAR too much on an empty stomach and being harassed by someone that wanted to make a skin suit out of me. 2. Question. Why is it so hard for guys to get the point? 3. Why oh why do we feel the need to DO things while we are drinking? I mean how does dancing on top of the bar when you can barely walk, become a good idea? 4. Here's a weird little secret thing. I have made my 3 yr old pee in a cup in the car because we couldn't get to a bathroom in time and I'm tired of the "accidents", Please tell me I'm NOT the only one.!? 5. Why in the heck do I grind my teeth when I drink coffee? Am I hooked? Am I going to need some kind of AA meeting only for caffeine? ~sigh~ 6. How many times does my daughter have to ask me for juice before she gets the fact that if mommy is touching her laptop, you might just want to start drinking from the toilet, cause it could take weeks. 7. Who still takes Tylenol for headaches? Tylenol SUCKS! If you aren't pregnant and have no medical reasons why you should take it, than you need to get some Bayer, or Ibproufen, or Advil, cause I REPEAT, Tylenol sucks! 8. Here's a random thing about me that is sick and gross. I WILL eat anything that has sugar in it, even if it's nasty. Half bag of mini-marshmallows? Check. Coconut covered twinkies? Check. Handful of sugar? Check. Three Musketeers? Check. Now go ahead and ask me if I even like any of that crap? Go ahead! 9. I am one of the only women you will meet that is emotionally shut off. Yea, yeah for me. I was talking to Lena and she agreed, I run hot or cold and I don't talk about things that happen, I recite them like a robot. I DO NOT like this about myself and I'm unsure how to change it though... 10. I love Blind Date (the show), although it does suck now but the OLD school Blind Date was the best! 11. I admittedly watch American Idol and I love it and I love Simon Cowell and I think Paula needs to go. Randy bores me and I LOVE me some Ryan even though I don't want to. 12. Damn. I've got 2 more to go... Okay I have kissed a girl, but it wasn't any good. It could be the fact that she was my best-friend and um, I don't swing that way, Oh or the braces... The braces ruined it. 13. I am constantly consumed with my blog. I have taken the unhappiness I have with myself and turned it to my blog. So needless to say, my love for my blog blows hot and cold. Their are moments when my finger is placed over the delete blog button. Visit these other Thursday Thirteen's:
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tylenol does totally suck. And please, please don't ever delete your blog. And unfortunately I can identify with being too consumed with blogging to feed my kids. Just this morning V. said to her dad, "Mommy SAID she was going to get me breakfast, but it was a really long time ago." I pretended like I didn't hear and let him get it for her.

3/23/2006 10:56:00 AM  
Blogger Virenda said...

LMAO, I have so done that before.

3/23/2006 10:59:00 AM  
Blogger Leilouta said...

3. Why oh why do we feel the need to DO things while we are drinking? I mean how does dancing on top of the bar when you can barely walk, become a good idea?
I was talking about that to coworkers yesterday, and one of them said that he goes to the gym drunk!!! I better quit my job and find more normal people to work with :)

3/23/2006 11:21:00 AM  
Blogger Virenda said...

LOL. Oh um, yeah! Going to the gym drunk would give me a headache. Although I was just talking to someone that would go to the gym high on weed because you don't feel pain.


3/23/2006 11:36:00 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Aww I'm sorry your head hurts! :( I guess it's better than hurling, although maybe not. I've had both of those hangovers the next day. Not fun. I swear I don't touch it again. Righhtt.

Tylenol DOES suck. It really really does!

3/23/2006 11:42:00 AM  
Blogger Richmond said...

Tylenol *does* suck. Hope your head is better soon...

3/23/2006 12:05:00 PM  
Blogger Summer said...

So you had a little bit to drink. Probably because you had 6 kids to deal with the last few days!! That calls for a drink. I am sorry you have a bit of a headache. I do hope you feel better soon :)

3/23/2006 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMGosh! You had me chuckling with #12, and then I burst out with hearty guffaws when I got to the braces part. LOL! THAT was Funny!

Okay, wiping the tears of laughter out of my eyes and backing up here a bit. I just have to know, where did you get the nifty "add yourself" coding? Can ya send it to me via email? Huh, huh? Can ya? Please?

Um, sorry about the HO headache ... ya goof. You are SO right about Tylenol. It sucks big bananas.

As for the dancing on table tops when intoxicated; well, um ... when ya figure it out, let me know ... K? *grin* I've done worse in my time.

#4 - Um, nope; I haven't done that, but I can totally relate. If I had a cup in the car, I'd be considering that option.

#6 - My husband was cracking up over this one. Wanna know why? "Cuz I'm the same way. *smile* I love my kids, but most times I feel like reciting WC Fields famouns line, "Get outta here kid, ya bother me."

#8 - Yup, I'm with ya on the sugar thing. I've found that if I eat more protein or dairy; I don't crave the sweets as much. However, I'm of no mind to attempt to squelch my sugar cravings. The protein realization was a complete accident. *grin* Could you pass the bag of marshmellows this way, please?

#9 - More than likely, this is because of your childhood life experiences. I would guess that inwardly, you have a fear of loss, and therefore, you fear giving too much of yourself to people. I can elate. I tend to shut off my emotions when relating to people in person. I've never been real comfortable with expression, but I've learned how to reach out (over the years). However, through the written word I can express any and all emotion I hold within. So there ya go, keep on bloggin', Vi ... it's theraputic.

Dr. Stacy has now left the comment box. *smile* Eh, whadda I know anyway?

#11 - I like Simon too. He's often right on the mark, although every once in awhile I think he's a bit too harsh. Paula gets on my nerves. I absolutely abhor the way she claps her hands. Randy, yeah ... boring. Ryan ... eh, I could take him or leave him.

#12 - *laughing again*

#13 - I'm removing your delete button ... don't you dare; I'd miss ya too much.

It's been lovely chatting with you Miss Vi. *wink* Have a marvy day!

Love ya!

P.S. If you have any Vitamin B in the house, take a couple. They help ya to recuperate from a hangover a wee bit faster.

3/23/2006 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, er, ah ... HO headache stands for HangOver. K? Just wanted to clarify that ... *heh*

3/23/2006 12:21:00 PM  
Blogger Teri M. said...

grrrrl, yersafuuuunny. Of course you can't delete, woman, I'm pretty sure there's a group of us who would hunt you down and kidnap you and then put you up in a 5 star hotel suite and MAKE you blog. Not to be scary stalker or anything. :-)

p.s. thanks for stopping by my newbie blog the other day. :-D sister of my sister LOL

3/23/2006 12:37:00 PM  
Blogger Kimmy said...

I only prefer Tylenol if it's mixed in with opium derivatives... love me some hydrocodone!

Sugar... I'm a total addict. And I love ZINGERS. Yummy! And of course I wash them down with an ice cold PEPSI. Nice!

My 13 are up!

3/23/2006 12:39:00 PM  
Blogger Lazy Daisy said...

Girl, you take Random thoughts to a new heights! ( I'm addicted to sugar and your t13' sad is that?) My list is up...same time next week?

3/23/2006 01:53:00 PM  
Blogger Virenda said...

This is what's so funny folks. We can all agree that Tylenol sucks but I KNOW people that actually like it. LIKE really like it. They are weird and I would never speak to them again, but their family, so I have too.

Stacy thanks, I'm going to find the vitamin b. You are so right about 9. I actually can be expressive when i write my poetry. NOT the blog because I know my family may read it and I know my hubby does, so it's too hard. Thanks for your understanding. Love ya too...

Teri M, just from your comments I can tell that within 2 months your blog will be on a roll. I say 2 months because it takes awhile to figure things out...

mommyof4, actually Simon's "sayings" can get old, your totally right about that. Tuesday she was high as a kite! Did you see her eyes? Crazy.

Kimmy, I LOVE that you knew they were Zingers lol. You always surprise me...

Dawn, yeah same here and your recipes made me hungry for sugar so it's your fault now!

lazy daisy, same time same place. LOL. I will continue to have nightmares until then.

Thanks Summer. ~wink~

3/23/2006 02:43:00 PM  
Blogger WendyWings said...

I have to say I have never made any of my kids pee in a cup, but then again we don't/didn't have many accidents either so I never got to that stage lol.
My TT is finally up late today , see if you can guess the right answer.
I tried to leave my link but autolinky was spazzing.

3/23/2006 03:07:00 PM  
Blogger Teri M. said...

Awww... you make me blush! Hey, guess what I'M not wearing braces. LOL kidding!

Thanks for your vote of confidence.

3/23/2006 03:18:00 PM  
Blogger Virenda said...

LOL. ~wink~ Oh yeah teri, it's on! Pucker up!

Jessica, LOL. I didn't force her actually she asked to pee in the cup, because I kept "threatening" her. I didn't want to have to come to that but we were in line with 6 cars in front and 4 in back. NO Way to get out, and she can't hold it that long. ~sigh~
Oh and I may just do something like that with my blog while high on sugar and alcohol, crying because of a headache and upset cause I had to pee in a cup.

Oh Wendy I wish I never had to get to the accident stage. "S" and "C" did the accidents, frequently. Don't remind me, I sometimes STILL feel like I'm surrounded by pee.

3/23/2006 04:26:00 PM  
Blogger Angela said...

Oh Virenda how I love your blog!!! If you ever did delete it, I would go through some serious's like word crack! And #11.....I am so there with you, even though I am hard pressed to actually admit my amore for Mr. Cowell. Loved your TT!

3/23/2006 04:50:00 PM  
Blogger Jay said...

I just took advantage of your code.

3/23/2006 09:59:00 PM  
Blogger Lena said...

Ok, so this is what I did today: I did my TT rounds and then when I got to yurs I said "Get up S! We need to go get a coffee now! So that I can back and read Vi's blog!"

Fastforward to grocery shopping and Nintendo and then the MEETING and here I am at 10:00 finally reading your TT without any energy for something funny to say. But, here goes:

1 - I'm surprised you had a headache this morning - I was sure the date rape drug I slipped you had no side affects.

Also, the skinsuit guy was very disturbing. He deserves his own post. And what about American Idol?? Wimps! Both of them!

3 - Did you do this while I was in the bathroom?

5 - You DO do this. It bugs.

6 - Put it low. Put it ALL low.

8 - I'm eating a McFlurry at this moment. I don't know why okay?

10 - agreed

12 - Uhhh, this wasn't meeeee.

13 - Yes, yes you are. Which is why we are going out into the SUNSHINE talk about our blogs.

BTW, seen any good NEW blogs lately? Hahahahahaha

3/23/2006 10:19:00 PM  
Blogger Chic Mommy said...

I agree Tylenol sucks, even for the babies fever I reach for Infant Motrin.

As for your 3 year old, just put a pull-up on her when you go out. I still do with my 3 year old. It's all good. They come in sizes up to 5T so you know there's a reason they are making them that big. I figure I'll wean my son off the pull-ups when he's in kindergarten, but as long as he can get away with peeing in his pants when we are out, especially in a public place where the bathrooms are nasty and gross, it's easier to let him go in his pull-up and change with wet wipes when we come home. As long as they are doing #2 in the toilet, I'm cool with the pee in the pull-ups.

3/23/2006 11:40:00 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

My sister once had to pee in a coke bottle because there were no bathrooms around. In the back of a bus. I remember this well as a kid - my mom made her do it. LOL!
I don't know if my sister still remembers this or if she was traumatised for life. She's happily married with an adorable bratty kid, so I think not...

3/24/2006 12:21:00 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

Hey Vi! Sorry I am late to your 13. I suck. But really... I have just been tah-tired.

Tylenol totally sucks.... yet. I take it anyway.
I used to be addicted to sugar too.... Oh WAIT! I still am!!!!!
I hear you on the blog thing. Especially lately. I feel all sorts of pressure over at my place. I'd rather just delete it all and move on with my life.

3/24/2006 04:45:00 PM  

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