Tuesday, April 04, 2006

My Name is Vi and I Watch American Idol...

So I admittedly love watching American Idol, I know, I know it's sad but true. Tonight was "Country" Night and while I NEVER listen to country now, I did grow up listening to it. The show tonight was okay, I was surprised because some of my favorites were awful. Taylor was bad, and he didn't EVEN try which really pissed me off. The thing that really got to me, was hello????! My least favorite two (Ace and Bucky) did good tonight, I mean they probably did THE BEST. The point of this post wasn't really to talk about American Idol, it was to discuss Country music. I grew up listening to it and my childhood wasn't very stable to say the least. Most of the time, I'm fine with it, doesn't bother me and even when I talk about it, I don't "feel" anything. I always wondered if there was something wrong with me, I mean why couldn't I "feel" sadness or anger or something?? Apparently country music is a GREAT trigger for me. Hearing it put me right BACK into how I felt as a child, too all the scary nights and awful memories. I realized why I CAN'T listen to this genre, even though I want to. I mean ANY Garth Brook's song will bring me to tears, weather of joy or pain and DON'T EVEN get me started with George Strait. I mean I LOVED the movie Pure Country that's how much I was into country as a child. I always pretended I didn't like it, cause um duh! Country is so NOT cool and my mom listens to it. Well it seems like I do have a love for this music, just one I can't tap into. Some of my favorites are: 1. I've Got Friends in Low places- Garth Brooks 2. Fancy- Reba McEntire 3. Ocean Front Property- George Strait I have MANY more by those three artists, I remember when my mom worked at a bar in Pueblo, Co called The Silver Dollar and I would stay all night there doing my homework or playing or whatever and the song, "I've got friends in low places" would play over and over again. I loved that song. We moved there with my one of my moms husbands (at the time) and a couple days later he left us alone and without money. My mom was able to move us into this trailer park RIGHT across from the bar she worked at. Things like that bring back the good and the bad. The trailer park that I lived at had a HUGE scandal when some woman dumped her baby in the local dumpster, two days after birthing this poor child. I will always remember the sirens and police cars, along with that babies cry. So. Sorry for the long post about me and NOT about gossip. I have been doing the easy thing and just doing gossip instead of my promised gossip AND me thing. So for all those brave enough to read this, I thank you... ~wink~


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you should write some of your childhood memories as country/western songs? That would be some intense therapy!

4/05/2006 04:37:00 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

I love country western music - but when I was a kid I hated it, lol.
I grew up with the beatles (my parents were hippies)

4/05/2006 05:16:00 AM  
Blogger Berry said...

Sheesh Virenda... those were some hard times!! You know by my own American Idol entries how I feel about country music (I was a 70's rock child), but I think Todd's suggestion is pretty good. Write it down!

4/05/2006 05:30:00 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

:( I'm so sorry you went through that. I hate country music because my dad loved it..and while he's changed a tad now, he was definitely not a great father figure. I could always handle Johnny Cash. I just remember every Saturday night, having to listen to Hee Haw because my dad ran the TV in that house. When he left us when I was in 6th grade, I was actually relieved that I would NOT have to sit through that ever again. :)

4/05/2006 06:08:00 AM  
Blogger 0000 said...

Oh, Vi...I'm sorry you had those sad memories! And if you have any sad memories creeping around inside, leave it to music to bring it out to the forefront!!

4/05/2006 07:02:00 AM  
Blogger Datbury said...

American Idol was friggin' boring last night, and I like some country music. I should have watched the Lifetime network. On second thought, er, nevermind.

And music, which I think is my blood instead of actual blood, always affects my mood, and I have several songs that bring up good and bad memories. The bad ones; I usually turn off the radio.

4/05/2006 07:06:00 AM  
Blogger Suburban Turmoil said...

Wow. Rough early days, girl. But you seem to have turned out just fine. :)

4/05/2006 08:38:00 AM  
Blogger Angela said...

Ok, you need to post a "Disclaimer: This post may cause tears", before you do that to me. You and my husband seem to have similar childhoods. You also seem very similar in the way that you want to raise your children. That you do the complete opposite of what you were raised with.

From what I know of you.....I really admire you.....you've got your crap together, girl! You seem like such a loving mother, friend and wife!

And I hear you about music bringing up feelings you didn't think were there.....damn country songs!

Keep your chin up, and your radio tuned to ANYTHING but country! ;)

4/05/2006 09:10:00 AM  
Blogger Virenda said...

Thanks Angela. Yeah I am the complete opposite and I DON'T listen to country now. I honestly can not believe I even posted this. I don't like the whole whiny past thing, I feel stupid and I literally had anxiety and bad dreams last night, just posting this vague past history. I guess I know why I stick to the superficial.

4/05/2006 10:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the personal posts, it's YOU and your comments on my blog and the bits you post here about yourself that I like the most.

This won't make you feel any better, but I too am an ashamed American Idol watcher. And last week one of the songs made me cry. Then when Bucky was singing that "I'm a real bad boy, but a real good man... with the velvet hands" or whatever it was, I thought it was hot. And I hate Bucky. His name is BUCKY. Gross. I was more ashamed at that moment than... um, ever.

4/05/2006 08:33:00 PM  
Blogger Chic Mommy said...

I love reading about your personal life stories, I find them interesting. In fact, I want a little more Vi with my gossip. If you wrote a book about your life, I would buy it.

4/05/2006 10:17:00 PM  

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