Saturday, January 14, 2006

Hubby's New Blog...

Well apparently after viewing Christian Bale and Matt's pics on my computer my husband wanted to post a "scathing" comment but couldn't do so, until he registered. So what does my husband do, but decide to start a blog. A blog, I hope he continues to update because I love my husband's humor (geeky). So I just wanted to post a quicky and encourage all to click on THIS link and read my hubby's first post and maybe give him a tip or two since he is so new. I hope everyone's weekend is going well and see ya'll Monday morning. p.s. If you can't read the cartoon just click on it to enlarge.


Blogger Cairo The Boxer said...

LOL my mommy loved the cartoon. :)

1/14/2006 09:57:00 PM  
Blogger Lena said...

That cartoon is so true. Every time my husband walks in while I'm revising my template with HTML codes he gets all randy.

1/14/2006 11:23:00 PM  
Blogger Virenda said...

LOL! When I saw this cartoon I had to post it, my husband even agreed. :0)

1/15/2006 09:55:00 AM  
Blogger Lena said...

Is it weird that I miss you so much? Why have you not posted? Let's see, it's must be going through your gossip and sucking down that Venti (it IS Monday - I bet it's a Venti).

I'll check back!

Later gator.:o)

p.s.-Is it just plain silly that I had too many Rum & Cokes again last night? I think my liver is packing her bags today - I can feel it.

1/16/2006 09:36:00 AM  
Blogger Lena said...

Oh! Oh! BTW, we went to Chateau Marmont for drinks yesterday and The Ivy for lunch.

Star sightings: 2 (Natalie Portman. Ben Kingsley.)

Total Bill for 3 drinks, salad, personal pizza: $150. So. Not. Kidding.

1/16/2006 09:39:00 AM  
Blogger Virenda said...

I have no idea what to do with myself when your not here...Sniff sniff...Don't make me cry! and yes your liver is going to leave you very soon if you don't pamper it a little. Ben kingsley is awesome! I want to be with you guys, WHY, WHY!!!!

1/16/2006 10:45:00 AM  
Blogger Trouble said...

Get your husband to explain the diff between a geek and a nerd...I need help with that.

1/16/2006 04:11:00 PM  

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