Friday, January 13, 2006

Paris Hilton gets intimate with a Leprechaun

LOL, well we all know she is willing to have sex with pretty much anyone so why not a leprechaun I ask you?! Why not?! Leprechauns need love too, and I think their magical powers prevent them from getting STD's in which case, you know, Paris is the perfect girl. She does kinda look like a preying mantis though, I'm not sure if leprechauns are done for that. Wait, what was the point I was trying to make here? Um, I lost it but I did find this really great photo of Paris Hilton and her new love Man. May they eat lots of cereal together and have children, that hopefully Paris doesn't eat. :0) p.s. I don't like Paris so why do I post about her?! I'm so confused, were's my coffee...


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