Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Is It Just Me Or Does This Post Make Me Look Boring?!

A friend (Lena, who else) tolled me today that I should post more about me, and that I was far wittier (word?) than my writing showed. I disagree, well---- not really :0) I do think I have some witt, the kind of wit where 5 sentences later you will laugh, I'm a one liner kinda girl. She suggested lists telling me that their funny, which they are, but I'm not good at lists. So what does that leave me?! No where, ~sigh~ Could I just remind you guys that I'm much funnier in person and add a "trust me' to it?! No?--- Damn. Today I was in a "mood", well not ALL day but most of it. If you asked me to describe I couldn't tell you what "kind", not really. Maybe funky? No that's to smelly of a word. Hell I give up, just know it wasn't a good mood, which sucks because Lena just got home and I have to be bitchy. If your reading this Lena, "I'm sorry and I love you and Your shirt is HOT!". Oh boy. Back to me and my shitty mood, I had 2 coffee's which you would think would pep me up, but it didn't. ~sigh~ You want to know why I'm in a bad mood? I think it's because I am unhappy with the look of my site, I go to other blogging sites and they kick some butt, but mine just sucks butt. :0( I want it to be exciting and professional and witty and smart and sexy and PERFECT! However, it's none of those things, so my creative juices have dried up, like well--- I don't know dry stuff, deserts maybe, or um paper towels 'cause you know they "make" things dry which I think counts; 'k?! So back to how sucky I feel, I think I should just suck it up and work hard and maybe just find someone to do it for me... You do realize, that this post is neither enlightening, funny, or personal?! I really need some practice. I better get going and make dinner, because it always takes an hour to get pizza delivered and it is getting late. Don't want my kids to get so hungry they start gnawing on their own legs, or anything. Bye all and see you bright and early tomorrow, say around 9ish? p.s. Is this girl in the picture farting? because I know when I get bored and frustrated, I get kinda gassy too. p.s.s If you read this whole thing than you deserve a medal, I just proof read it and fell asleep.


Blogger Trouble said...

I like your blog the best when you write about yourself or post your poetry, and I don't think it's boring, not at all.

1/18/2006 07:15:00 PM  
Blogger Lena said...

"I just proofread it and fell asleep" - you are hilarious! There is so much pressure to be funny when you have a blog and it is SOOO much easier to be funny in person than in writing because your brain works faster than your fingers. Plus, alot of humor is in voice modulation and inflection. So, I definitely feel you on the anxiety and pressure in writing. And I so agree about blog format because your blog represents YOU and Blogger sucks ass at options. As in there are none.

You will flesh it out in time. You are so hysterical and charming and intelligent and warm. That is you in a nutshell. And I cannot wait until you get comfortable enough to convey all of that. But, so far so good. Let's not forget that you get hella traffic to your site and I have to pay my grandmother to read mine. So, pretty much...shut up.

Love ya.

1/18/2006 07:23:00 PM  
Blogger Sir Christopher said...

My 2 cents...
I like your blog. Everytime I read it I ask myself "Self, where does she get these pictures and stuff, this is so way cool". For selfish reasons I'd like to see more stuff about you but I like what you got going on too. You won't find many (if any) posts on my site about me and I haven't heard (yet) anything about it. Keep up the good work. On a side note I can't believe that the word verification I have to type to post this is "safesex".

1/19/2006 07:15:00 AM  
Blogger Virenda said...

LOL@ Tige, really safesex?! Hmmm..well it IS for sequirity purposes. :0) Why do I have to verify on my own blog though? hmmmm

1/19/2006 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whenever I order a steak at a restaurant, the waitress (assuming she is good enough to earn my usual $.20 tip...

-I heard those gasps! I am not a tightwad! I have been known to go as high as a quarter for exemplary service!-

...but anyway, the good waitresses will ask me, "Do you want something to put on your steak?", and my reply is usually, "Not if it's cooked right."

Virenda, your blog is 'just right'. It doesn't need any A1, ketchup, worchestershire, or even peanut butter. Don't change a thing!

I love you just as you are.

1/26/2006 02:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww! Isn't my hubby just so sweet?

And, I agree with him ... Viernda, you rock! I love ya, too! (We've got ya blogrolled now.)

And hey, BlueTige ... I wanna hear more about you on your blog, buster! Ya better get busy being real. (grin)

1/26/2006 02:46:00 PM  
Blogger Virenda said...

Thank you so much you are the best! Thanks Bob and Stacy and yes your hubby is very sweet. :0) Thanks again, starting this blog has become my obsession and it's paying off lol, I get to meet new people and read gossip. :0)

You guys are too funny, (Bob and Stacy) lol.

1/26/2006 04:34:00 PM  

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