Friday, March 17, 2006

Tyson Being Sued...

Okay NOT Tyson Beckford the model but Tyson the fighter. Here in some interesting W-T-H news. Tyson is being sued for chewing on someone's leg. Sure I know what your thinking. "Tyson chewing on body parts isn't news, it's not even shocking..." Um, people. PEOPLE! Since when did other people chewing off body parts become normal, acceptted or boring?! I feel like Tyson maybe should go live in Donner, if ya know what I'm saying and I think ya do... Isadore Bolton is a driver and personal assistant for Don King and this is his recount and story:
"The road-rage incident occurred in May 2003 when King, Tyson and an entourage snaked north on I-95 near Fort Lauderdale. According to court papers, Tyson halted the caravan by forcing his chauffeur to park on the median. When Bolton arrived, Tyson was furiously pacing the median and yelling obscenities. As the 6-foot, 300-pound Bolton tried to convince Tyson to get back in his car, Tyson allegedly punched him in the face twice, breaking a bone. After Bolton fell down, Tyson bit his leg, causing "heavy bleeding." "I was just trying to help. He was in the middle of traffic," Bolton said."


Blogger Kimmy said...

He is one crazy man. CRAZY man!

3/18/2006 05:56:00 AM  

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