Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Paris Hilton's Elle Magazine Interview

Paris recently did an interview with Elle, and they discussed the break-up of Paris and Nicole Richie's friendship. In usual Paris style she was humble, intelligent, and articulate. LMAO. Oh like that could happen. Hope you enjoy the arrogant and asinine interview, it's sure to make everyone ELSE feel smarter and much nicer...
Paris Hilton: "She (Nicole) cannot stand being around me because I get all the attention and people really don't care about her," "I've been best friends with her since I was two, but when I brought her on to my show, she got very jealous and turned on me for no reason. It breaks my heart. She was my sister. She was the funniest person to be around and then she let the fame go to her head." Paris Hilton about Nicole: "She's not the same person any more. I never want to speak to her again - ever." Paris Hilton talks about The Simple Life: "They want to do it with just me, but we're both under contract together. She has nothing else so she really wants to do it, but I don't." Paris comments on Nicole's book: "It's really pathetic that she needs to use my name to sell something because she's obviously not enough."
Okay a quick side note, I went to see asinine's definition (for fun, cause what's funn-er than a dictionary?) and I HAVE to post the definition, because it's as if they took Paris Hilton and made a word JUST for her...
Main Entry: as·i·nine Pronunciation: 'a-s&n-"In Function: adjective Etymology: Latin asininus, from asinus ass 1 : marked by inexcusable failure to exercise intelligence or sound judgment 2 : of, relating to, or resembling an ass


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has Nicole ever said anything about it? Is her book about Paris? Could anyone be as much up their own ass as her? Is it possible?

4/05/2006 08:28:00 PM  
Blogger Kimmy said...

Asinine indeed! Blech!

I think she's great. A great way to convert non-believers. I mean... who wants to live for eternity with her? ;)

4/08/2006 05:33:00 AM  

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