Friday, January 27, 2006

Jessica Simpson Gets Some...

Rightfully dubbed the morning after pictures, I present to you one guilty and/or happy Jessica. When I first saw these pics I though "no big deal" until someone directed me to look closer and it does indeed appear that Jessica Simpson is wearing the same shoes, pants, and carrying the very same purse that she was wearing the night before. She is also wearing a mans shirt in the morning after pic, which again I thought maybe it was just her's or something, but nope now I've changed my mind. It does appear that our dear Jessica is having herself a guilty morning after with Adam Levine, you know the guy from Maroon 5; the skinny, small one. Honestly I couldn't care less who Jessica is having sex with, the only thing that I care about is the fact that she looks really cute in the morning, which in turn makes me want to vomit. I'll just keep reminding myself that she has self-induced, nasty lips, and there for she is ugly. I try and treat her like Mayo. Don't understand? Let me explain. When I wanted to lose weight and needed to cut out mayo, I just kept telling myself that it was gross and it was mearly eggs and oil. After awhile I started to believe it and now 6 years later the stuff seriously repulses me. It's self inflicted brain wash and it works, baby. Um, quick question... Will I EVER be able to say the word and/or hear the word b-a-b-y without hearing Austin Powers voice in my head?!


Blogger Lena said...

So, I guess that whole "saving herself for marriage" thing was only for the first marriage.

1/27/2006 11:27:00 PM  
Blogger Chic Mommy said...

Although she totally has that "morning after" face, I can't help admiring her handbag. I like it.

1/27/2006 11:46:00 PM  
Blogger Virenda said...

LOL, exactly chic mommy. First thing I noticed was the cute handbag. ;0)
Good eye, chic.

Apparently she was saving herself for the first marriage, and she only listened to that part, and forgot the part of not having an affair. 'cause we ALL know she was getting it on with other people before the seperation.

1/28/2006 01:04:00 PM  

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