Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Jude Law & Sienna Miller ON...

Oh for goodness sake someone take a gun and just shoot that BLEEP! Shoot her out of her freaking misery. I am in no mood for people and their moronic relationships. Jude Law and Sienna Miller are apparently on again, only a month or so after Sienna was seen hooking up with Hayden and Jude was off nursing his wounds. All I know is they better hire a male nanny and keep Sienna away from ugly, scrawny men. 'Cause it's obvious every time she's around a guy that weighs as much as she does, she can go a little crazy. I'd wish them luck but I'm still hoping they get pushed in front of a moving car, or ~um~ truck. jude-sienna-kids-movies Pictured is Sienna out with Jude's kids... jude-sienna-car Ahhh... Such a happy couple.


Blogger 0000 said...

"Hey, Rafferty! I'm the girl that your daddy screwed while he was in another relationship. No-no, the other one."

4/25/2006 10:54:00 AM  
Blogger Angela said...

She should have stuck with Hayden.

4/25/2006 01:24:00 PM  
Blogger Berry said...

Yes, Jude. We see the open shirt and the fluff of hair. Where'd you leave your medalion?

4/25/2006 02:15:00 PM  
Blogger Ditsy Chick said...

Uh, hey, Sienna you doing anything tonight....I can't find anyone else stupid enough to date me, I thought you might go for it..

I'm sorry, I used to think she was sweet but after seeing her in Vanity Fair, she is a nasty skank and they belong together....saves them from destroying other innocents.

4/25/2006 09:59:00 PM  

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