My husband informed me about 2 weeks ago that ain't is apparently spelled with an apostrophe. Hmmm... Am I the only darn person that thinks that is truly ridiculous?! Ain't is NOT a word, so why should there be a "proper" way to spell it?! And if their HAS to be a proper way to spell the dumbest word ever it should NOT NOT NOT have an apostrophe. I mean really!!! An apostrophe makes ain't ai not, ummm that doesn't make any sense. Doesn't, wouldn't, and couldn't all spelled with an apostrophe, why? Because it connects two words, does not, would not, and last but not least could not. Ahhh now that I understand, that makes sense. I simply refuse to understand why
I have to spell ain't with an apostrophe. Apparently I have nothing else better to obsess about then the proper way to spell ain't. That makes me want to cry a bit, if I wasn't so irritated about HAVING TO SPELL AIN'T WITH A FREAKIN' APOSTROPHE.
I'd also like to complain about rental car companies and how they are freakin leeches!!! I unfortunately had a car accident about 2 weeks ago, NOT my fault. I also found out that our insurance doesn't cover a rental car. POOP! So we went to Enterprise Rental Car to get a stupid car to replace my brilliant mini-van (I have 3 kids). Unfortunately my husband and I do not have a "regular" credit card (we have a visa check card) so we have to put up 300 to get this stupid crap car. Then a week later we are asked/demanded to pay another 250. OKAY! I see on the pink paper given to us that it is only supposed to be 169.99 a week. What I want to FREAKIN' know is why then, I have spent 550 dollars to date for something that should be no more than 400 with tax??!!! And to F'ING top it off, my daughter lost the rental car key and I called up around 5 to ask them to replace it and they explained that the lock key person is out and to call 'em in the morning if I haven't found it yet. Hmmm okay sure thing. So I call at 7:30 to let them know I haven't found it and they need to drop one off at my house. I was pleasant and nice, even when they announced that they are short staffed and didn't know what time they could get it here. "Sure okay...", I respond. It's 8:30 and no freakin key, plus I called at 5:45 to see what was going on and no answer. Apparently they close at 6 p.m. and were to RUDE to answer 15 minutes before closing time. I feel like I shouldn't have to pay for a car that I can't use. I feel like I should also take a breather, maybe even a Vicodin to relax. What I could really use is a Rum and Coke, followed by mindless television.
So my husband just came home from work, its 8:32 pm, and he dared to ask me, where dinner is?! I of course nicely informed him that couldn't he see I was blogging?! I have important things to do like checking my email or making fun of Paris Hilton. I suppose since he has "kinda" worked hard, I should get off and make him dinner (Hot Pocket anyone?). 'Night ya'll!
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