I came across this article yesterday and read it and found it uninteresting at the time, however today it seems to call to me. It's screaming at me to post it and let the women of the world (and men) know that even "pretty" women have to try harder and sometimes resort to gel-pads apparently. It has come to the attention of Cosmo that in order for Jessica to fill out her daisy duke shorts she had to use gel-pads, well hell that made me feel a little better. We are not perfect and I get really pissed off when the movies and photographers have to many everything perfect by digitally enhancing or photoshopping out normal every day things like that little piece of arm fat/skin right where the arm pitt is, I mean COME ON people why do we have to photoshop that out?! So now young women can go to surgeons and ask to have it removed... Please, save us from society before women end up looking like Nicole Richie. So I give you photo of J.S. butt before gel-pads and after gel-pads.
I so called this! Remember when she was on Good Morning America I called you because her ass is flat like a pancake. They also photoshopped a butt onto Angelina Jolie in the Mr. Mrs. Smith ads. As if these girls don't have enough on us! Can we at least have better asses??
LOL, you are so right! I remember looking at the story and thinking, how DID I know that already? It was you lena...
So, when your body fat is low, your toned and athletic, ya don't get a booty... typically. Way to go. Cool. Lol. Don't be a hater,,,Walmart sells these for 5$.
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