Hi all! A good friend of mine and fellow blogger posted a game of 8 questions. I decided to do the same and encourage everyone else to do so as well.
What were you doing ten years ago?
Well ya'll if you didn't know (which I am sure you didn't) 10 years ago I was 12. Being 12 I was in 6th grade, hanging out with my then best-friend Katie and doing all kinds of illegal and highly fun (at the time) things. I would post more, but I think I will save all those "painful" memories for later. I am so glad we are off to such a fun start!
What were you doing one year ago?
Ahhhh here is where you guys find out how boring I am, a year ago I was doing the same thing minus the blogging. My children were then 5,3,and 1, so lots of diapers. I wish my memory was better but I will take a stab at it and say I was probably reading in bed and yelling at my husband to get off the computer. Ahhh, fond memories, gee it's like it was only yesterday...
Five snacks you enjoy:
1.Doritos and a Diet Coke w/ Splenda
2.Ciabatta bread and a Diet Coke
3.Trader Joe's Low Fat Apricot Tea Loaf, Yummm!
4.Fuji apples and peanut butter
5.Milk Duds
Five songs that you know the lyrics to:
1. "Shoop"-Salt and Pepper
2."Have you really ever loved a woman?"-Bryan Adams
3."Magic Carpet"-Aladdin (Disney movie)
4."Always and Forever"-
5."Friends in low places"-Garth Brooks
Five bad habits you have:
1.Interupting people
2.Yelling at my kids
3.Biting my cuticles (ewwww)
4.Not calling people back
5.Not keeping to "our" budget
Five things you like doing:
1. Spending money
2.Talking with my friend (note the lack of pluralization)
3.Watching T.V. late at night with my husband
5.Getting a coffee and checking out the latest gossip online
Five things you would never wear or buy again:
1.Bubblegum pink pants, extra tight, with flesh colored undertone (don't ask).
2.Any pant that is cuffed and or tapered
3.Glitter, for anything.
4.Shorts (hate my legs)
5.Khaki pants from the GAP (please woman no more, they make your butt square)
Five favorite toys:
1.Flat iron
2.Portable mp3 player
3.F.M. transmitter
4.Computer (of course)
5.Shock collar for the kids, kidding!
Well now I am finished so its your turn! After filling out the questions and having to try hard to come up with 4's and 5's, its apparent that I have no interests beyond blogging, talking (practically the same), and gossip. I promise I am much deeper then that, *wink *wink. I'd also like to add to the 8 question game by listing a few good things this year....
Five good things that happened this year?:
1.I met my friend Lena
2.I decided to blog
3.Started working out and eating better (sort of)
4.Lost weight, technically belongs as answer 3
5.Potty trained my youngest child
Well to round of this last post for tonight, I encourage all to try out iTunes! I paid a 1.99 for each episode of Lost, wow its still such a great show. I also stopped by Barnes and Noble and picked up two books, one by Jennifer Crusie called, "Anyone But You" and another titled, "Hostile Makeover". I would just like to state for the record that I absolutely love Jennifer Crusie, most of my favorite books are by her. Her characters are always relatively attractive and relatively successful and extremely funny, warm, and witty. I love romance and a happy ending, what can I say I am a sucker for a love story. She always delivers feisty lovable female characters that make you believe its almost possible to have it all. I will always turn to her books when I need a pick me up, to believe once again that in life it matters more about what's inside (your character) then about how much money, or how beautiful you are. Well, you all I better get into bed and crack one of these books. 'Night!
p.s. I was thinking about posting some poetry ever now and then, I hope you like it. Also I am still keeping the quote a day but it will only be Monday thru Friday.
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